Did Lulzsec breach your account on Facebook, PayPal, Xbox Live, Twitter, or elsewhere?

The hacker Group Lulzsec Security hacked into 62,000 private Internet accounts including Facebook, PayPal, dating sites, Xbox Live and Twitter.

See the CBC article “Facebook, PayPal users urged to check logins after hacking“:

There is a link to a Dazzlepod page referenced in the above article, which lists email addresses of hacked accounts; check to see if your accounts are on the list!

Thanks to Jane E. for this news.

Updating Updates

We haven’t written any new Posts in almost five months. There have been too many updates, both personal and software. Today, Shak is beyond sick of seeing the “Facebook Is Down Today” Post, so here is some new content.

Even though we updated everything WordPress related a month or two ago, just signing into the WordPress Admin/Dashboard triggered update notices. WordPress version 3.0.5 is out. Of course, the WordPress anti-spam plug-in Akismet has been updated, now on version 2.5.3. Even the WordPress theme named Pixel, used here, has also been updated to version 2.0.2. Well, Shak upgraded everything using the automated facilities, and everything looks to be working well (as accustomed & expected).

Aside from all that website related stuff, we use the free virtualization software VirtualBox in daily business activity. It too has a new version released, 4.0.4, just four days ago. On top of an openSUSE 11.1 Linux host (KDE for Desktop/GUI), we run our accounting system (QuickBooks on Windows XP) in a virtual machine, and also an openSUSE 11.3 workstation environment (GNOME) communications (GNOME/Novell Evolution), web development (Quanta Plus), and other web-administrative activities (Firefox). Everything is up-to-date, of course 🙂

I hope everyone has had a great Family Day! Shak’s now going to go enjoy what’s left of his…